International Literacy Day-Theme for International Literacy Day 2020

UNESCO has declared September 08 2020 as International Literacy Day on 26 October 1966 at 14th session of UNESCO's General conference. The main aim behind the starting of International Literacy day is to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies. The aim was not only to combat illiteracy but also to promote literacy as a tool that can empower people and communities at large. Literacy is an integral part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UNESCO also announces International Literacy awards. These are the prestigious awards recognizing good posting and innovation in the theme "Literacy and skills development" of 2018.

International Literacy Day-Theme for International Literacy Day 2020

What is Literacy?

Years ago literacy been defined as knowledge of reading and writing. But now it’s not simply the ability to read or write. In 21st century just the ability to read and write can’t be a aim of literacy. An old person who reads newspaper daily will not be able to operate a smartphone or login to a computer. The reason and aim of literacy should be changed over time. According to UNESCO ‘Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.’ UNESCO started International Literacy Day with the aim of literacy to all. Literacy has different definition and different visions according to the age group; the vision for young children is not that of a college student. Literacy development is not limited to the language arts class. It is a shared responsibility among all teachers. Although certain knowledge and skills are taught mainly in the arts of language, every subject teacher is responsible for continuously developing, consolidating and improving literacy skills.

Why Literacy is important?

Literacy is the tool which drives an individual, society and nation. The economy and development of a country depends on the literacy of that country. Literacy has the power to pull you out of poverty and unemployment. But beyond the level of practice, literacy plays an important role in transforming students into citizens that involve the community. Literacy means being able to keep up with current events, communicate effectively, and understand the issues that shape our world. In our changing world of technology, it is important that people continue to expand their knowledge and learn new skills to keep pace with the pace of change. Limit of literacy is not your age, literacy doesn’t have any limit till you take your last breathe you should develop your knowledge to fight with this advancing world.

The mission of literacy should be changing over time, our literacy should focus on job oriented literacy rather than a common old scheme for all. The topics should be updated over time, In India still most of the technical university have the working of old radio and old television with picture tube and no where it has any mention about the latest LED or LCD panels, in certificate he is literate or graduate but in real he is illiterate about the current technology. There is a growing conflict between the skills that employers need and the skills that employees have. These differences lead to high unemployment coupled with high employment rates. Our provincial government has emphasized that if we do not address our skills shortages, India will face a serious labor crisis and we expect everything to be better in NEP2020.

International Literacy Day

The main mission of celebration of International Literacy day is to make the people aware of the importance of Literacy and define them the power of education. UNESCO has declared September 08 2020 as International Literacy Day on 26 October 1966 at 14th session of UNESCO's General conference.  International Literacy Day is celebrated across globe on September 8th every year to remind the people the importance of education and literacy is their basic right. On the view of increasing poverty, crime, unemployment and unhealthy life, UNESCO has decided to celebrate this day as International Literacy day and making them realize that literacy is only weapon which will help you in all those bad situation and pulls you out of poverty and gives you a better life. UNESCO has declared this day as an opportunity for governments, civil society organizations and stakeholders to highlight progress in global literacy, and to reflect on the world's ongoing literacy challenges, work and the changing requirement. Worldwide, at least 750 million young people are illiterate and 250 million children are deprived of basic literacy skills.

Timeline for International Literacy Day 

timeline for International Literacy Day

The theme and vision of International literacy day is different for each year and UNESCO decides the theme based on the changing requirement for that year. In 2019 the theme was 'Literacy and Multilingualism’ while the aim of 2006 International literacy day was ‘literacy sustains development’ and it all started with ‘Literacy to all’. Theme and vision is developing over year and which reminds the people about the importance of education and the need for developing the knowledge over time. Russia is the country with highest literacy rate with 53% of adult education, literacy rate of 99.70% education, followed by Finland and South Korea while USA in 4th position with 99% literacy rate.

Theme for International Literacy Day 2020

Theme for International Literacy Day 2020

Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond
is the theme for International Literacy Day 2020 with a focus on the role of educators and changing pedagogues, it focuses on learning in this pandemic situation. Coronavirus has disrupted the proper movement of our entire society. For children in particular, their education has been severely disrupted as most schools around the world have been closed since the outbreak began, which has disrupted the education of 1.27 billion children and youth. The way of education has transformed in this pandemic situation and now the classes are held by online medium. The vision of 2020 International Literacy day is to ensure that education is provided to all even in this lock-down situation.

Kerala again tops India's literacy chart at 96.2%

With a literacy of 96.2%, Kerala, again emerged as the most educated state in the country, while Andhra Pradesh was shown below 66.4%, according to a report from the National Statistical Office (NSO).  Kerala has the lowest gap between rural and urban literacy rate with just 1.9%. Literacy rate of India is 77.7%, where rural literacy rate is 73.5% and in Urban it is 87.7% showing a great difference in percentage between rural and urban. Male literacy percentage is 84.7% and female it is 70.3%. Kerala have least gap between both rural-urban and male-female.

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