2020 Quick Recap: 10 Positive and amazing things happened in 2020

Positive was the most negative word of 2020, the year 2020 was believed to be a year no one wants to remember and the year is believed to be completely negative. Yes, its true that this was a horrible year, where we lost our beloved once, we lost jobs, we lost money, we lost our normal life. Now we are living a new normal and we learned how to live with an epidemic.

2020 Quick Recap 10 Positive and amazing things happened in 2020

When someone ask you about 2020, obviously we have long list of negative things to point. Yeah, it's true that in 2020 there is a bucket of negative things for everyone, in every industry we had very great losses, we lost very great personalities, we lost our normal life also we lost our beloved ones which are always a loss. A small virus locked the entire world for some months. Even after these many negative points, we have a lot of positive things happened in 2020 which actually changed the life of everyone.

According to us the year 2020 was the catalyst for the future, in this year we were able to break or our old stereotypes, all the back pulling customs. This year we were able to discover new future. Actually, the year 2020 show us what will be the future and how the future technology will be. We all learnt how to be online and how the future technology will be and we got the courage to face any difficulties in future. 2020 was a courage building, confidence building year.

Coronavirus thought that health is more important than anything, really proved that health is wealth. Actually, the coronavirus thought us the importance of a family life and also thought that how to be a family man or a woman. We all realized that we can leave without going to temple or mosque or church, we can have functions in simple and cost-effective manner. In short, we realized that what is important and what is not.

 Read: New Mutant Coronavirus strain found in UK-Is it more dangerous? Will it impact vaccination?

Top 10 Positive things happened in 2020

Environment and animals healed

Environment and animals healed

We think this would not have happened without lockdown. When all humans are locked our environment got time to heal all its wound. This has been a wonderful year for nature and animals. With fewer cars on the roads and more senseless logging, the environment recovered in a spectacular way. Pollution has decreased and people are able to see better in remote areas was one of the most exciting things during the terrible closure.

China has banned the production and trade of wildlife for human consumption and has also removed pangolin scales from the country's traditional pharmacopeia. France has banned the use of wildlife in circuses. In Kenya, lion population increased by 25 percent from its 2010 census, and more than 140 elephants were born in Amboseli National Park.

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Got Opportunities to Reconnect with Family, Friends and Neighbors

Got Opportunities to Reconnect with Family, Friends and Neighbors

Restrictions and lockdown have given everyone the opportunity to rekindle their love for those who are locked up. It would not be a mistake to say that 2020 has provided a reason for making precious memories. This was an opportunity to spend more time in the world with the family they had to leave because of their work or other reasons. Zoom parties also reconnect with lost friends. Neighbors moved from strangers to second families.


Realized the importance of Mental Health

The discussion surrounding mental health is now higher than ever. While the discussion around mental health has been going on for a few years now, this year has been a priority. Many came to the aid of others who were under pressure and had no one to talk to. The COVID19 epidemic attracted the attention of those who suffered in silence.


Discovered the underscored talent within us

Discovered the underscored talent within us

2020 was productive year for many of us, we got enough time to realize the talent in us. Many small startups or domestic industries or household production started this year, we all realized that we can earn at home with our talents. This was an eye-opening year for most of us. It was by no means a production competition, but a lot of people used this time to develop new skills, and develop hidden talents - those who would never be able to make time for exercise were already well off; herbs and other crops flourished, thanks to all the new local farmers; the world now has more chefs, musicians and writers.


Work from Home Revolution

Work from Home Revolution

The biggest one is the number of people who find that they don’t really need to be in the office in order to be productive. The effects after the epidemic are enormous. Many companies have come to realize that they do not need all that expensive office space. Many employees have realized that they can work anywhere; Many families spend this holiday season finding out where they are “anywhere”. Some, like Microsoft, Infosys and Twitter have made permanent choices for their employees, while many others like Google, Facebook and small businesses have extended home-based work until the end of next year.


Healthier Life Style

2020 thought us the importance of healthier life. People who only loves to eat fast or junk food suddenly switched to green veggies and salads. Even people avoided snacks with tea and started having nuts and dry fruits. Many people around the world have chosen a healthy lifestyle. They exercise and take care of their health, resulting in a general decline in the quality of health care being spent around the world. Obesity rates have dropped dramatically, and people are experiencing better health than ever before.


Broke Old Useless Followings

2020 was a revolutionary year for many things. 2020 thought us that we can leave without the help of any religion, we don’t have to go to temple, mosque or church daily or weekly. We can live without all these, take it as an eye opener and realize that the biggest religion is human and we all respecting health workers.

We also realized that we can have small weddings, we can save money on functions. Earlier where there used to 1000s of people in every wedding now, we learned that 50/100 is more than enough.

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Closer to Space

Revolutionary steps happened in Space in 2020. We all say the steps took by Space X, which actually is a great catalyst for future. The year 2020 has been a turning point for the Indian space industry to put it in a different direction with the private sector as a companion to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The year got off to a good start for ISRO with the launch of the 3,357 kg satellite communications GSAT-30 by European space agency Arianespace rocket Ariane 5 on January 17. The year ends with ISRO successfully launching PSLVC50 and installing CMS01 on the line.


Rise of Online Business, Vloggers and Bloggers

Rise of Online Business, Vloggers and Bloggers

In 2020 we witnessed many online startups, mainly in online teaching sectors. There are many online startups which gained profit of millions in these pandemic situations. 2020 thought us the scope of online business and online money-making methods.

2020 was a year for vloggers and bloggers, everyone became youtubers in 2020. We witnessed thousands of new youtubers in 2020 and the YouTube trend in 2020 was roasting. Similarly, many others managed to find their career from online sources.

2021 has came, lets hope for the best and keep moving with all the lessons you learned from 2020. Have a great year… Happy New Year.

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