Best Amazing Scientific Reasons behind Indian Traditions and customs

Best Amazing Scientific Reasons behind Indian Traditions

It’s high time to realize that our forefathers were way more visionary and intelligent than what we are. Indian Traditions were considered mainly as superstitions, but with the advent of science, it is becoming evident that these traditions are based on some scientific knowledge and moved from generations to generations as traditions and we are blindly following them. Our Indian tradition have lot of hidden science, we all are following or opposing them without knowing the real scientific reasons behind them.

Below are the 11 best Amazing Scientific Reasons behind Indian Traditions.

1.    Namaskar – Joining both palm together

Namaskar – Joining both palm together

Indians use to say Namaskar/Namasthe to greet someone, while we keep the palms together, tip of the fingers touch together which activates the pressure points like ear, eyes and mind and help us to stay focus and help to concentrate more. In this Covid-19 situation we all know the importance of Namaskar, since it is a best example of social distancing it will avoid transfer of germs.

2.     Indian foods Start with Spice & End with Sweet

Indian foods Start with Spice & End with Sweet

India is well known for its spicy foods and sweet mouth watering mitayees(sweets). Ancestors force us to start the meal with spicy item and end with sweets, it is because spicy things activate our digestive system and boost the digestion process, ensure smooth digestion while sweet objects pulls down the digestive process.

3.    Do not sleep with your head towards North

Do not sleep with your head towards North

We could have heard that our grandparents saying that ghost dreams or scary dreams will appear if you sleep with your head toward north. As you know that earth is a big magnet and our body has its own magnet field, so if you sleep with you head facing north, human body’s magnetic field will be asymmetric to the earth’s magnet field which will affect the blood pressure, thus heart needs to work hard to overcome this. This can cause headache, Alzheimer’s and brain degeneration.

4.    Indian tradition to worship Peepal Tree

Indian tradition to worship Peepal Tree

‘Peepal’ is one of the very few trees (or probably the only tree) which produces oxygen even at night. As our ancestors are aware of that they use to give god value to the tree to protect peepal tree. Because from business view peepal doesn’t have any edible parts or strong wood.

5.    Applying Mehndi or henna on Hands or Feet

Applying Mehndi or henna on Hands or Feet

In Indian weddings Mehandi is an unavoidable custom even there are mehandi days celebrated with great celebrations. Wedding is the time of anxiety, stress and excitements. So applying mehandi will help to reduce body temperature and controls stress and pressure. This is the reason why mehndi is applied on the hands and feet, which house nerve endings in the body.

6.    Indian women wearing toe ring

Indian women wearing toe ring

Indian married women’s are seems to be wearing toe rings, they wear it as a custom or traditions passed by their ancestors. Usually toe ring is worn in second toe. A particular nerve from the second toe connects the uterus and it passes through heart. It will keep it healthy by regulating the blood flow to it and menstrual cycle will be regularized.

7.    Why do we worship Tulsi Plant

Why do we worship Tulsi Plant

Medical properties of Tulsi is well known to all and it is a good antibiotic and a tulsi daily in tea or water will boost immunity and stabilize health condition. Most important of all, prolong his or her life. In India Tulsi have a status of mother or god and it is worshiped in houses daily. It is believe that all houses should have a tulsi plant in our house, since our ancestors is well aware of the medicinal and other benefits of Tulsi they use to respect and worship Tulsi. Keeping Tulsi plant at home prevents insects and mosquitoes from entering the house and helps to keep snakes away.

8.    Indian Women wearing Bangles

Indian Women wearing Bangles

Wearing bangles in India is a common thing and considered to be tradition or customs in many occasions. The Bangles used by women are normally in the wrist part of one’s hand and its constant friction increases the blood circulation level.

9.    Sitting on a floor and eating

Sitting on a floor and eating

Indian ancestors thought us to sit in “Sukhasan” position on floor and then have food, it is the custom or tradition thought us, but now it is done only in some occasions since the customs force us to do that. When you sit on the floor with sukhasana position, you usually sit cross legged  which are poses that instantly bring a sense of calm and help in digestion, it is believed to automatically trigger the signals to your brain to prepare the stomach for digestion thus it smoothens the digestion process.

10.   Why Indians pierce ear

Why Indians pierce ear

Piercing ear is an important Indian tradition usually women use to pierce ear but it is also seen that men also do, usually it is done during childhood and considered to be a special occasion in most part of India. Other than jeweler it is having many scientific benefits too. Physicians and philosophers believe that piercing the ears helps in the development of intellect, power of thinking and decision making faculties also helps in speech restraints. Helping ear channel become free from any disorder.

11.  Most important Surya Namaskar

Most important Surya Namaskar

The scientific reason behind Surya namaskar is known to all and now it is practiced all over world. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a combination of 12 yoga poses. Doing Surya namaskar will help you to burn calories, it reduces extra fat and helps you to shape your body. Regular practice of Surya namskar will help women regulate irregular menstrual cycles and assist in childbirth. It brings greater stability to your life despite the sheer dynamism prevailing in it. Regular practice of the Surya Namaskar improves one’s blood circulation that brings a glow to your face; improves the elasticity of the skin, thus preventing wrinkles and helps in anti aging of skin.

Indian traditions are the backbone of India and it’s completely not a superstition or blind belief , there are many scientific reasons behind them. The above Scientific Reasons behind Indian Traditions is only a small portion and we will be coming with more in our next post.

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  1. It's good....👍😊 people should knw these facts.... otherwise they will add some more superstitions....

    1. Thank you for your valuable comment, we will be bringing more such intresting facts.


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